
Monday, April 23, 2012

My update following Sarah Fragoso's Workshop this past weekend

I had the opportunity to attend a workshop this past weekend by Sarah Fragoso (of EVERDAY PALEO) and her business partner Jason Seib.  It was a wonderful workshop, they managed to pack a lot into that 4+ hours!  Even though I have been doing Paleo for 20 months now and have already attended two other Seminars, it was so great to sit in on something like this.  I learned a few new things and was reminded of some old things, including a great reminder of WHY!  If we don't know why or we forget why we are doing things it can start to get "old" or loose it's excitement.  For me it was a reminder of how much I had let my children's eating slip, and how important it is for them too.  I had focussed more on my husband and I and allowed them to eat more loosely, but when Sarah challenged that we feel better when eating Paleo, so why wouldn't we want the same for them, it really hit me.  And Jason brought up the whole Corn syrup thing and how it's just as damaging to the liver as drinking alcohol, I was shocked!  At least corn syrup was one ingredient I have not made a concession on, but it did get me to thinking, why would I make concessions for them so easily.  I had also started buying non-paleo snacks for my older boys (20 and 19) but found that my younger ones where sneaking them and eating them in secret, etc.  So after some discussion my husband and I have decided no more of that, we are going back to where we started with our adult children, they may eat whatever they want outside our home, but nothing non-paleo comes through our doors and I certainly won't be buying it along with my weekly groceries.  It was mentioned that when non-paleo foods are there, you will eat it (don't think you can rely on will power!).  By eliminating  the poor food choices from your home, you will eliminate most of  the "food battles" with your children because the food you don't want them to eat is not even an option (or available as an option to ask for).  I am so thankful for the information and reminders issued by both Sarah and Jason, not only did they give a great workshop but they where more than willing to talk during intermissions and after the workshop and offer advice on a more  individualized basis. 
 I also have to say I am a raving fan of Sarah's, shortly after going  Paleo I found her blog (in the days before her cookbook),  I immediately fell in love with her and her family.  I love the way she involves her children in the preparation process, and she has great tasting recipes!  I actually had the opportunity to meet her last year in March at Robb Wolf's Seminar in Chico, and she remembered meeting me last year!  That amazes me with the amount of people she comes in contact with through her book signings and workshops.  If you ever have the opportunity to attend one of her workshops I highly recommend it and if you haven't bought her books yet...you should!  I have a well broken in copy of her EVERYDAY PALEO cookbook and now have her kids book PALEO PALS which I also highly recommend.  My kids LOVED reading Paleo Pals and look forward to making the recipes in the back of the book! At the very least please be sure to visit her website, it is a great resource http://everydaypaleo.com/, and she said she is working on a new cookbook, Everyday Paleo Family, I can't wait!