
Monday, March 25, 2013

A Chapter is...

 about to come to end.  I want to preface this announcement by saying I've really enjoyed the encouragement and support you have offered during my blogging chapter, and I want to apologize to those of you who may have just recently stumbled onto or discovered Budget Paleo...Made Easy.    This is a decision my husband and I have weighing carefully for a quite a while now and some things that came up this past week just made it very clear to us that it is time for me to stop blogging (new reasons).  I was really looking forward to sharing and blogging about my latest elimination diet, but I know this is the Lords will and I'm looking forward to new things in our future.  I will leave the blog here as a "ghost" blog, so recipes, posts, etc. will still be accessible, but I won't be answering comments or making new posts.  I will also be closing down the Facebook page in the next week or so, I'll try to use it as a way to get the word out that Budget Paleo...Made Easy is coming to an end. I love Pinterest and will still be on there as myself rather than Budget Paleo...Made Easy, feel free to continue to follow me as I pin away.   Again thank you all so much for all the support, encouragement and kind words, it's been fun!  I'll leave you all with a link to my post from a few months ago when I took a sabbatical from blogging and started weighing this decision more heavily, it has a long list of resources, if you would like me to add your blog to the list please message or email me and I'd be happy to do so.  Good Bye and God Bless!