

Sheilla Salinger
CrossFit Level 1 Certified Trainer
Whole 9 Foundations of Nutrition Workshop
Robb Wolf Paleo Solution Seminar
Everyday Paleo Workshop with Sarah Fragoso and Jason Seib 

My faith in Christ is the most important thing in my life, followed by my husband, children, friends and then Paleo.  Keeping them in their proper order and balance is always a challenge.  I consider being an at home mom an honor and LOVE the challenge of stretching money and getting bargains, whether it be clothing, food or other items.
I orginally started this blog in the fall of 2010 as a place to share recipes, information and to document our Paleo journey.  At the time there where only a handful of Paleo Blogs and good recipes were scarce.  Now days there are hundreds of Paleo/Primal related websites, you can find some of my favorite sites listed on the home page.
I am cooking for a large family of hungry eaters, we have 7 children living at home with us ranging in age from 2 years old to 20 years old, plus my husband and I.  So you may need to halve some of my recipes, I am typically cooking 4-5 pounds of meat and several pounds of vegetables per meal.  And as with most people these days we are on a food budget.  I'm always looking for ways to stretch my dollar yet serve healthy and delicious meals.  One thing that frustrated me when we first started eating Paleo was the lack of tasty recipes.  Just because it is healthy does not mean it has to break the bank or taste bad!  We eat some really delicious meals, and we have also found that the longer we eat Paleo the more we really taste our food.  When things aren't drowned in sugar, salt, modified food starch, corn syrup, etc. it just tastes better!!
I tend to take more of a strict Paleo approach or maybe I'm more "old school".  I believe "Paleo" breads, muffins, cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc. don't belong in a daily or even weekly diet.  They are not necessary items to ones health and their macronutrient value is so much lower than "real food".  I realize that may come across as a bit hard, but now days I see so many "Paleo Blogs" where most of their posts are treats and I just can't get on board with that.  Now that said, enjoy yourself and have a "Paleo treat" now and then.  I do love having an option for birthdays and holidays, we love having Paleo cake and homemade ice-cream once in a while.  I take more of the Whole 9 Life stance on things, which is why you will find mostly real food options in my posts.  I am a busy mom, so if you are looking for quick, easy and tasty recipes then you have come to the right place!  I hope you enjoy the blog, it's a real passion of mine and something I love sharing with everyone.

If you are new to the Paleo diet or "lifestyle" as I like to call it, please visit these sites for more information on what Paleo is: